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November 2017 Chapter Meeting RSVP

    Please let us know if you will be able to join us for our November meeting to be held in the Board Room at the School Superintendent's office located at 430 South College Street on Thursday, November 16, 2017.  The meal cost is $13 for Cordon Blu Casserole, Meatloaf, Green Beans, Glazed Carrots, Rolls, Banana Pudding and Tres Leches Cake, tea and water.  

    If you pay the day of the event, please be prepared to pay in cash (correct change needed) and/or by check as we will not be able to run a credit card at this event.  If you want to pay by credit card, please do so prior to the event by using the PayPal link on the meeting notice without our Mis South SHRM site.

    Please list in the comments any visitors you may be bringing with you.

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