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Event Details

    May 2016 Chapter Meeting

    Date: May 19, 2016, 11:30am – 1:00pm
    Damian Wirth
    The Arling located at 1257 Kenny Perry Drive (just before the main entrance to Kenny Perry's Country Creek Golf Course)
    $15 to cover cost of the meal and gratuity
    Event Type:
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    Meeting Information:

    The Arling - located at 1257 Kenny Perry Drive (Just before the main entrance to Kenny Perry's Country Creek Golf Course

    Carol Douglas with the Barren River District Health Department will be on hand to distribute awards to industries offering a smoke free environment for their workers' health.  The program will be presentations by Lydia Peterson and Terry Lowe about the availability of corporate golf lessons and The Arling and Sonya Farrow and Connie Kington representing the Kentucky Career Center will be discussing the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act by reviewing On the Job Training, Internships, Work Experience and Rapid Response programs.

    Lunch is being catered by Mission Catering and will consist of a buffet of Roast Beef, Honey Teriyaki Chicken, Smashed Red Potatoes, Green Beans, Green Salad and Individual Desserts.  The cost will be $15 to cover the meal and gratuity.  You can pay for your meal in advance by paying through PayPal below.  Cash or check will be accepted the day of the meeting.

    To pre-pay for your lunch, go to:

    We hope you can join us!