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    March 2018 Chapter Meeting

    Nickie Madden
    Franklin Country Club - Downstairs meeting room
    $12 for buffet or $9 for soup and salad bar
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    March 15, 2018 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    Meeting Information:

    Meeting will be held in the downstairs meeting room at the Franklin Country Club, Franklin, KY

    The menu will be a buffet consisting of Roast Pork or Chicken Pot Pie, Roasted Red Potatoes and Green Beans for $12 and Soup and Salad for $9.  Drink is included in the price. 

    The program will be a round table group discussion and introduction of our new members if present.

    February 2018 Chapter Meeting

    Nickie Madden
    HARMAN, 3100 Bowling Green Road, Franklin
    Lunch is sponsored by HARMAN
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    February 15, 2018 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    Meeting Information:

    Meeting will be held at HARMAN located at 3100 Bowling Green Road, Franklin, KY

    January 2018 Chapter Meeting

    Nickie Madden
    downstairs dining room at the Franklin Country Club
    $12 for buffet or $9 for soup and salad bar
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    January 18, 2018 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    Meeting Information:

    Meeting will be held in thedownstairs dining room at the Franklin Country Club

    The meal choices for this meeting will be Lasagna or BBQ Chicken, potatoes and green beans for $12 and soup and salad bar for $9.  Drink is included in the price.

    December 2017 Chapter Meeting

    Nickie Madden
    private dining room at the Brickyard Cafe downtown Franklin
    Meal is sponsored by Franklin-Simpson Industrial Authority
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    December 14, 2017 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    Meeting Information:

    Meeting will be held in the private dining room at the Brickyard Cafe in downtown Franklin.

    The meal choices for this meeting will be Lasagna, Champaign Chicken or Shrimp Alfredo.  The meals include potato and vegetable of the day as well as tea or soft drink.  The meal will be sponsored by the Franklin-Simpson Industrial Authority.

    November 2017 Chapter Meeting

    Nickie Madden
    Board Room at School Superintendent's office located at 430 South College Street
    $13 per person
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    November 16, 2017 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    Meeting Information:

    Meeting will be held in the board room at the school superintendent's office located at 430 South College Street

    The program will be presented by Anne Murray - "Men are from North Dakota; Women are from South Carolina".  The program will discuss gender differences in communication.  HRCI and SHRM-CP credits have been applied for.

    October 2017 Chapter Meeting

    Nickie Madden
    Franklin Country Club - Downstairs Meeting Room
    $12 for buffet or $9 for soup and salad bar
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    October 19, 2017 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    Meeting Information:

    Meeting will be held in the downstairs meeting room at the Franklin Country Club

    The program will be presented by Circuit Judge Janet Crocker regarding our local drug court system.

    The meal choices for this meeting will be a buffet consisting of Chicken Pot Pie or Pork Tenderloin, Roasted Potatoes and Green Beans for $12 and Soup and Salad Bar for $9.  Drink is included in the price.

    September 2017 Chapter Meeting

    Nickie Madden
    FPI - located at 3220 Bowling Green Road, Franklin
    Lunch from Chick-Fil-A is sponsored by Assured Partners
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    September 21, 2017 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    Meeting Information:

    Meeting will be held at FPI located at 3220 Bowling Green Road, Franklin

    The meeting is being sponsored by Matt Fuqua and Todd Hester with Assured Partners.  They will be presenting the program entitled - Value Based Pricing.  Also, Josh and Kim Combs with Know U Didn't will make a short presentation and a tour of FPI will be available to those who can stay.  The tour will include FPI's DOJO Training Center. 

    August 2017 Chapter Meeting

    Nickie Madden
    Brickyard Cafe - private dining room
    Lunch is sponsored by Robert Stupar and the Brickyard Cafe
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    August 17, 2017 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    Meeting Information:

    Meeting will be held at the Brickyard Cafe - downtown Franklin

    The program will be presented by Circuit Judge Janet Crocker regarding our local Drug Court system but is subject to change depending on Judge Crocker's court calendar.  The lunch is being sponsored by Robert Stupar and the Brickyard Cafe.

    July 2017 Chapter Meeting

    Nickie Madden
    Downstairs dining room at the Franklin Country Club
    Lunch is sponsored by ARGI and Ms. Fisher
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    July 13, 2017 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    Meeting Information:

    Meeting will be held in the downstairs dining room at the Franklin Country Club

    The program will be presented by Jeanne Fisher with ARGI concerning Financial Wellness as well as the new federal fiduciary rule.  HRCI and SHRM-CP credit will be available for this meeting.  The lunch for this date is being sponsored by ARGI and Ms. Fisher.

    June 2017 Chapter Meeting

    Nickie Madden
    Downstairs dining room at the Franklin Country Club
    See meal costs below
    Event Type:
    Event Type: 
    iCal link
    June 15, 2017 - 11:30am to 1:00pm

    Meeting Information:

    Meeting will be held in the downstairs dining room at the Franklin Country Club

    A short program will be given by Julie McCoy with McCoy Grief Counseling Services and Jon Hall will present a program on Certification.  HRCI and SHRM-CP credits are possible.

    The meal choices for this meeting will be a: Hamburger and all the fixin's for $9; Chicken, Broccoli and Rice Casserole for $9; or Soup and Salad Bar for $9 plus tax and gratuity for each option.  The meals include tea or soft drink.
