March 2019 Chapter Meeting RSVP
Please let us know if you will be able to join us for our March 2019 meeting to be on Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. in the Franklin Bank and Trust Conference Center at SKYCTC located at 175 Davis Drive, Franklin.
We will be having box lunches consisting of either a steak sandwich or a grilled chicken sandwich. The box lunch consists of the sandwich, chips, dessert and drink. For ease in payment, the cost for the meal including drink and tax has been set at $10. To pay for the meals, we are going to continue the practice of accepting cash or check only. This will save the organization the fees that would come out if we accepted credit card payments. No extra meals will be ordered so please confirm attendance.
Please RSVP to Judy by noon on Wednesday, March 20, 2019. If your scheudle changes, please let her know so she can cancel your order if you are not going to be able to join us.
The program will be a leadership seminar given by Denise Rice.
Please list in the comments your choice of steak or chicken sandwich and any visitors you may be bringing with you so we can plan appropriately.